Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Aubergine Gratin with Roquefort Crème Recipe - Learn How to Prepare Aubergine Gratin with Roquefort Crème

I was doing some research on new recipes I can try since I’m having some friends hang out at my place and need to give them some special treat that they might have not experience, and my research heeled some great result as I came across some nice recipes and I will be sharing two of them today and keep updating the list. Here are the two recipes:


- 200g of Roquefort Cheese

- 4 Aubergines

- 2 tablespoons of pine nuts

- 1-4 cloves of garlic

- Oliver oil, sunflower oil

- 3 tablespoons of crème fraiche or double cream

- 1 tablespoon of finely chopped flat-leaf parsley

- 3 tablespoons of tomato puree

- Thyme (optional)

- Sea salt

- Freshly ground white and black pepper

Items needed for cooking

- Bowls

- 1 big nonstick skillet of frying pan

- Paper towels

- 1 barking dish

- 1 sieve

Instructions on how to prepare

- Properly wash the aubergines and pat dry, cut both ends and slices into 1 – 2 cm long

- Put each slices in a bowl and add sprinkle salt while you stir gently and leave for one hour. This will remove the bitter juices.

- Then strain through a sieve, rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry with a paper towel.

- Fry the pine nuts in a frying pan, without fat, for a minute or so, allow to cool and chop finely.

- Crush the garlic

- Now combine tomatoes, cream, parsley, cheese, garlic and pine nuts (and thyme if using), mix well and season to taste.

- Fry the aubergine slices in a pan with hot oil for 2 minutes each side to brown and place on paper towel to drain off excess fat.

- Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

- Grease the gratin dish with oil and place a layer of aubergine slices, spread with some of the cream mixture, then add another layer of aubergines, then cream, finishing with a layer of aubergine on top

- Bake in the hot oven for 30 minutes.

Serving 2 - 4 person

Source: Diabetes

Friday, May 2, 2014

Sweet and Spicy Chicken Satay

Prep: 10 mins cooks: 6 mins ready to serve in 1hr. 46 mins


3 tablespoons teriyaki sauce

½ cup of sweetened condensed milk

1 tablespoon of vinegar

1 tablespoon red curry paste

16 bamboo skewers, soaked in water for 20 minutes

3 large skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into thin strips


1. In a medium bowl, stir together the sweetened condensed milk, teriyaki sauce, vinegar and curry paste. Coat chicken with the sauce, and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 1/2 hours.

2. Preheat a grill or broiler for high heat. Remove chicken from the marinade and thread onto skewers. Discard remaining marinade.

3. Grill or broil chicken for 3 minutes per side, or until cooked through.

Source: all recipes

Friday, April 25, 2014

Moroccan Chickpea Stew - How To Prepare Moroccan Chickpea Stew

Servings: 2 – 3 persons

Preparation: 10 minutes Cook: 20 minutes


- 1 tsp olive oil

- 1/2 cup chopped yellow onion

- 1 medium sized carrot, chopped diagonally into 1/2 inch slices

- 1 cup diced peeled sweet potato

- 1/2 tsp minced fresh ginger

- 1/2 tsp ground cumin

- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

- 1 tsp harissa (a paste made of spices)

- 2 cups diced tomatoes, with juices

- 1/4 cup low-sodium vegetable stock

- 1/4 cup dried apricots, raisins, or currants, diced

- 1/2 red bell pepper, diced

- 1 cup canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed

- 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley


-Heat olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chopped onion, carrot, sweet potato, ginger, cumin, cinnamon and harissa, with Cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes.

- Add diced tomatoes, stock, dried fruit, and bell peppers. Turn heat to low and cook for 7 to 8 minutes.

- Add the chickpeas; cook 3 to 4 minutes, until completely warmed through.

- Mix in parsley and serve

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Healthy Chicken Salad Recipe - Chopped Chicken Salad For You

Preparation: 20 minutes

Cook: 25 – 60 minutes


½ Cup of raw spelt berries or wheat berries Baby greens

1 cup of diced or shredded cooked lean chicken breast

¾ cup of carrots, grated and diced

½ cup red onion, diced

½ cup of celery, diced

¾ cup mixed sweet ball peppers, diced


• Optional: Spelt berries can be soaked in water ahead of time, which will shorten their cooking time. To do this, place spelt berries (or wheat berries) in a bowl of water and set it on the counter for 4-8 hours.

• If you soaked the spelt berries, drain off the soaking water and rinse. Transfer to a small saucepan and add 2 1/2 cups of water or low sodium vegetable broth. Cook over medium heat. Soaked berries should take about 25 minutes whereas unsoaked berries will take 50-60 minutes. When fully cooked, they should be slightly more chewy than cooked wild rice, but not crunchy. Drain any remaining water and rinse the grains. Set aside to cool.

• For the salad, chop all vegetables and chicken. Evenly distribute them in layers across 4 jars, in the order listed. (Chicken on the bottom, spelt berries on the top). Fill any remaining space at the top of the jars with baby greens.

• When ready to eat, drizzle with your favourite dressing and shake the jar. Pour into a bowl (over more greens if you want to), and enjoy!

Source: eat spin run repeat

Friday, April 18, 2014

Homemade Frozen Yogurt – Make Your Own Homemade Frozen Yogurt With This Great Recipe

Most homes can’t do without frozen yogurt because of the great taste that comes with unlike your regular ice cream that contains high calories and fat, frozen yogurt have fewer calories and little or no fat. If you are looking for great source of protein then you can get it from frozen yogurt and another great element this fun filled drink provide is the benefits of lactose bacillus bacteria that helps for easy digestion. Having your own homemade frozen yogurt recipe gives you the ability to prepare a quality, rich yogurt unlike those yogurt you buy from fast food outlets or store with some artificial additives and preservatives.

One of the best and easy frozen yogurts is the French vanilla homemade yogurt and preparing you own yogurt at home gives you the options of preparing the yogurt to suit your taste with healthy benefits. Here is how to prepare a French frozen yogurt.


- 2/3 Cup of raw sugar

- Half cup of evaporated milk

- 2 beaten egg yolks

- Two teaspoons of gelatin

- 2 Egg whites

- 2 Cups of plain whole milk yogurt

- A pinch of salt

- 2 Tablespoons of vanilla


- Warm the milk under boiling point then add the sugar, gelatin and salt until all the ingredients are properly smooth and dissolved.

- Beat the egg yolks until they are lathered.

- Gradually start adding the lathered yolk to the mixture little by little until the mixture is thickens. Once you’re satisfied the touch put it aside to cool down.

- Once the mixture is cool enough, pour vanilla and yogurt then put in the refrigerator to chill for about an hour to one thirty minutes.

- Next beat the egg while till soft peaks are produced then gently fold them into your mixture. During this period you should chum the batch in a standard two quart ice cream freezer and that’s it. Looking for homemade frozen yogurt recipe that contains more energy and makes you looks healthier and youthful while you lose weight and cleanse your system?

Here you have it, so go prepare yourself right in your kitchen one.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Healthy Smoothie - 3 Healthy Smoothie Recipes To Curb Your Sweet Urge

Looking for how to curb those sweet urges? Then in today post I will be sharing 3 interesting healthy smoothies recipes to curb your sweet urge.

Below is an infographics that teaches you how to prepare these healthy smoothies in less that 10 minutes or less and give your body more vitamins, proteins and other vital elements your body needs.

Click the image to enlarge. Don't forget there is love in sharing :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

How To Prepare Your Own Yogurt With A Crockpot

If you are a big fan of yogurt just like me then then you might want to bookmark this page for further updates of more yogurt recipes. In as much as I love yogurt I prefer yogurt that have less lactose and not expensive.

But what if you can get a yogurt without spending much and still get that beautiful taste you long for preparing the yogurt yourself, how does that sound to you? great right? yes that what we will be learning in this article today.

I have been longing to get a DIY yogurt recipes with less lactose after much research I stumble upon this recipe I never wanted to give it away but this will be unfare if I don't share it with you right?

So, lets discover how to prepare your own you yogurt with a crockpot


- Crock pot (any size with do)

- Milk (about 1%)

- Dark-colored blanket or towel

- Plain yogurt (preferbly use 1%) with live cultures

- Strainer

- Cheesecloth (A clean, unbleached white t-shirt, pillow or sheet will do)


- Pour the milk into the crockpot. Pending the size of your crockpot some larger crockpot can take upto 8 cups but mine holds 4 cups so I put 4 cups of milk. Leave extra space to accommodate the froth it will produce and also the yogurt you will need to add.

- Cover the crockpot and turn it to low for about an hour. By then the milk should have reach about 180 degrees Fahrenheit.

- Now turn off the crockpot and let it settle for about 30 minutes, still it it covered. This will cool the milk to about 115 - 120 degrees Farhrenheit.

- Add a small quantity of yogurt to the mix to begin the process. Because I used four cups of milk, I added 1/4 cup of yogurt, but if you will using 8 cups of milk then you should add 1/2 cup or thereabout. It's not necessary to add a lot of yogurt to begin the production of yogurt.

- The next thing is to wrap the crockpot with the towel. The reason for doing this is to make sure that it stays warm in a dark and cool environment. It then the bacteria will be more active.

- Give it up 6 - 12 hours, but if you are inpatient and give it a shorter time you will not get the best results and asides from that you will produce yogurt with higher lactose which is unhealthy to the body. But the longer the thicker and tangier yogurt you will get and similar in taste and consistency to Greek yogurt.

- Depending your taste on how thick you want your yogurt, you will need to strain it a bit. You will observe that it's still fairly runny, it doesn't mean you've done something wrong.

What I do is to set a bowl to catch the whey and put small strainer on the top of it to filter the yogurt.

- The next step is to lay your cheesecloth over the strainer. I used an unbleached white t-shirt, then pour the yogurt in, don't fright when some whey has already separated, it'll filter through again.

Note: Make sure that the cloth whether it's a t-shirt, sheet or cheesecloth or any other alternative is untreated with chemicals and it's yet to be washed with detergent lately. You don't want to waste your time and seeing your yogurt taste like soap.

Quick tip: If you want a thicker yogurt, cover it and put it in the fridge for few hours to let it drain and you will get a superb homemade Greek yogurt. And if you just want a plain yogurt then strain for only a half an hour to an hour. You can always every now and then to see it's result.

- Once you are through you can collect the whey and keep them. You can use them for baking or shakes recipes instead of milk.

It ready to serve, I hope you find this recipes of how to make your own yogurt with a crockpot and don't border wasting money on high lactose yogurts that can be harmful to your body. If you find this post helpful comment below. Thanks :)